Amy Zinner and Anthony Dike are close, but their relationship didn't deter a  business deal in which she purchased Le Relais from him after he decided to retire.

 Landmark Le Relais stays in the family

By Robin Garr

Le Relais, Louisville’s beloved French restaurant, has been a staple in the community for more than three decades. Recently it was sold to Amy Zinner, a longtime member of the team and partner of the former owner, Anthony Dike.

In this interview, Amy and Anthony talk about the restaurant’s history, the challenges of ownership, and what’s next for Le Relais.

A Legacy of Great Chefs and Challenging Times

When Amy Zinner reflects on Le Relais’ history, she credits the great chefs who have helped shape the restaurant. “We had some amazing chefs in the early years who created a strong foundation for us—people like Daniel Stage and Roberta Cattan. They were a perfect fit for the times,” she explains.

Beloved for its atmosphere, Le Relais stays true to the classic French decor and style that has been its trademark since Anthony Dike opened the restaurant in 1988.
Beloved for its atmosphere, Le Relais stays true to the classic French decor and style that has been its trademark since Anthony Dike opened the restaurant in 1988.

However, she said, there were some challenging periods when the restaurant faced a series of difficult transitions. “We went through a rough patch with chefs who, while talented, didn’t always mesh with the direction we wanted to go in. It’s tough to find the right balance.”

But there were good times, too. She said Le Relais rebounded with fresh energy when former Chef Alex Delaney, who had left to start is own restaurant, La Chasse, rejoined the team in 2024. “When Alex came on board It was a good time for us, but like any business, we’ve had our ups and downs.”

Up or down, Amy says, one key to Le Relais’ enduring success has been its loyal customer base. While the restaurant has a reputation for attracting an older clientele, she notes that younger generations are now coming in droves. They’re seeing a new generation coming in, too: “people in their 20s to 50s, who are really excited to try something new, but also appreciate the traditions Le Relais offers.” …

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