Category Archives: A RESTAURANT LISTING…

Bardstown: epicenter of bourbon and good eats

If you’re sitting in a friendly diner working on a stack of blueberry pancakes, and you suddenly realize the bar at the back of the room offers selected tastings of small-batch and single-barrel bourbons with tasting sheets to record your impressions, you have almost certainly found your way to Bardstown, Ky. Continue reading Bardstown: epicenter of bourbon and good eats

Breakfast for lunch, and vice-versa, at Verbena Cafe

Breakfast appeals to me, and I’m more than willing to take on a platter of eggs, biscuits and hash browns at any time of day.  Breakfast for dinner? I’m there!

I like that about Verbena Cafe, a popular spot at Norton Commons: You can get breakfast any time they’re open, which makes an omelet, blueberry pancakes or even a raspberry Nutella crepe an entirely reasonable proposition even at 2 p.m.
Continue reading Breakfast for lunch, and vice-versa, at Verbena Cafe

Clifton awash in ice cream

Within one remarkable week in October, two familiar old Clifton buildings on opposite sides of Frankfort Avenue have turned into ice cream shops. Last week, Homemade Ice Cream and Pie Kitchen opened its ninth branch, a café-style shop featuring wine and beer and, of course, ice cream, in the old Longshot Tavern (2232 Frankfort Ave., 409-6111,

A week earlier, Mayor Greg Fischer cut the ribbon to open Comfy Cow’s third branch on the site of the old Genny’s Diner and in the beautifully restored Queen Anne house next door. You know, the one the guy from Genny’s had declared unsalvageable. (It’s at 2221 Frankfort Ave., 409-4616,

Of course I had to try a tasting: $2.76 for a single scoop at the Pie Kitchen, $3.15 at the Cow. Frankly, they both smelled and tasted very good, with a fresh, clean chocolate scent and pure flavor. I gave the Comfy Cow the nod based on superior texture and flavor, but it was a close race. Pay your money and take your choice.

Heart & Soy gets to the heart of soy

Today let us consider the humble soybean. Those savvy Asians have been chowing down on them for 5,000 years, and making tofu for most of the last millennium. Soybeans became a major U.S. crop after World War II. We feed most of it to animals. Offer most people a bite of tofu, and they’ll go, “Eeuuww.”
Continue reading Heart & Soy gets to the heart of soy

Against the Grain — brewery, BBQ and vegan!?

Hey, let’s go get a beer! And some pulled pork! And … some vegan wings made out of seitan? Beer and barbecue make a natural pair, and Against The Grain Brewery and Smokehouse does both admirably. But add some really good vegetarian dishes to this mix, and you’ve got something quite out of the ordinary. Continue reading Against the Grain — brewery, BBQ and vegan!?

Seviche grows and keeps getting better

Seviche has been around for 10 years now, if we count Jicama, its predecessor in the same Highlands space, and Chef Anthony Lamas just keeps making it better and better. This sets a mighty high standard for an eatery I’ve been raving about since the start. I gave Jicama a 93-point rating in its first incarnation. Then when it reopened as Seviche in 2005, I kicked the number up to 95.
Continue reading Seviche grows and keeps getting better

Want a New York City bagel? Try Baby D’s

Gather round, young ‘uns, and let me try to explain why we graying Baby Boomers care so much about bagels. You see, there was a time in Louisville when you couldn’t grab one at every coffee shop or buy ‘em by the sack at the grocery store.

No, until the 1970s or thereabouts, a bagel was a rare and unusual thing. You basically had to go to New York City or Chicago to get one. When a bagel bakery opened in Cincinnati some time during Jimmy Carter’s presidency, we would actually drive up there to get a bag full. And when Louisville’s first bagel shop opened in Hikes Point a few years later, the city knew bagel jubilation.

Now they’re everywhere! Continue reading Want a New York City bagel? Try Baby D’s

Family dining at Cubana in Clifton

So where does a restaurant critic go out to dinner if he has family in town? This is not always an easy question. Go to the finest dining rooms, the places I love?

That’s easy counsel, and way tempting, but more often than not I’ve checked out the local favorites too recently to justify going back. Drag them along to the next place I have to go, whether they like it or not? That can be tempting, too, as any therapist who knows a thing about sibling rivalry can attest.

But in the real world of practical matters, the answer lies somewhere in between. Briefly stated, it’s something like, “Pick a place that’s due for review and that I think they’ll enjoy.”

And so it was when my brother, Matt, came through town recently on sabbatical from his job in Lima, Peru. Matt speaks Spanish like a Peruvian native, so an eatery with a Latino accent made sense. I’d been keeping an eye on Cubana since it opened in Clifton early this year anyway.

I’ve enjoyed lunch at Cubana several times, but for one reason or another had never focused on the place for a dinner review. Matt’s visit offered a good opportunity to catch up, and Cubana proved to be an excellent choice for the occasion.

That Spanish thing didn’t work out for us, though: The servers at Cubana spoke Louisville English as fluently as I do, although I’m sure there was a Cuban chef back in the kitchen. The building that houses Cubana boasts quite a local-restaurant heritage: It was briefly Danielle’s, an excellent but short-lived upscale bistro where Chef Allan Rosenberg plied his art, well before he achieved local fame as the founder of Papalinos NY Pizzeria. Further back, Baby Boomers will remember it as the home of the original Lynn’s Paradise Cafe; a Jamaican joint with great homemade ginger beer; and a pretty good Korean spot called Little Bit of Seoul. With such a diverse culinary heritage, a Cuban eatery fits right in, and newly painted walls in aqua and peach give it the sunny tropical look of a Havana plaza.

Its menu contains many of the Cuban standards that have become familiar to local foodies since the arrival of Havana Rumba in 2004 kicked off a Cuban boomlet. Even if you aren’t familiar with Cuban dishes, though, the menu makes it easy, subdividing the bill of fare into portions based on the main ingredient and helpfully offering an English translation. (Carnes is meat, puerco is pork, pollo is chicken, and so it goes.)

There must be a couple dozen main-dish choices, ranging in price from around $10 (for vegetarian dishes and meal-size sandwiches, including the classic Sandwich Cubano for $9.99) to the mid-teens: A hearty seafood casserole in Creole or cream sauce au gratin is $15.99. You’ll also find enough appetizers ($6.59-$9.59) to put together a tapas meal; and a lunch menu, available from 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Mondays through Saturdays, offers about 16 choices, including a sandwich and soup-or-salad choice for $8.99. I’ve enjoyed the Cubano on past visits and can testify that it’s a worthy example of the genre.

Cubana wasn’t terribly crowded fairly early on a Thursday evening, which made conversation easy. We started our dinner with a shared appetizer, Empanadas Vegetarianas ($6.59): A pair of flaky pastry pillows were stuffed with a mix of spinach, corn, chopped onions and bell peppers, and cheese. They were so grease-free that I almost wondered if they’d been baked, not fried; but their flavor was great, and if two empanadas required careful carving for three to share, that’s OK, as it made it easy for me to nip a little more than my share. They came with a dish of pink dipping sauce that was creamy and sweet, not hot, and went well with the veggie stuffing.

Matt’s pick, Pollo con Mojo ($12.99, described as “marinated chicken breast”), started with a flattened skinless, boneless chicken breast, a cut that can be mighty boring but that gained interest here from a tangy-sweet citrus marinade, a spell on the grill to add flavor and texture, and a tasty topping of grilled onions and Cuban-style mojo sauce, which is basically a garlicky citrus vinaigrette. All the main dishes were accompanied with exceptionally good white rice, tender black beans and a couple rounds of fried plantains.

Mary’s Cerno alla Parilla ($14.99) earned a thumbs-up: A mild, flaky grouper fillet was rubbed with a mojo-like mix of garlic and olive oil, with a blend of chopped parsley and aromatic cilantro to add herbal notes in place of the sour citrus.

My choice, Pincho Vegetarianas ($10.99), scored as the most colorful dish of the evening and was in competition for most flavorful. Literally “veggies on a spike,” it consisted of big, bright squares of yellow, red and green peppers, red onion and chunks of summer squash and zucchini, drizzled in garlicky mojo and grilled on a skewer until they were sizzling and irresistible.

Dessert? One flan ($4.99), please, and three spoons. Dubbed “Abuelita’s flan,” which means something like “Granny’s caramel custard,” it was creamy, smooth and rich, good enough to have come from a sweet grandmother’s kitchen, assuming we’re talking about a Cuban grandmother.

There’s a bar including a short wine list and some Latino bottled beers, but we went with water on this jaunt, bringing dinner for three to an affordable $57.61, to which I added a $12 tip.

2206 Frankfort Ave.
Rating: 81

A world of Mexican delights at El Mundo

You’ll find a lot of different kinds of Mexican eateries around town. “Mexican” dining experiences run the gamut from tacquerias so authentic that you’ll need to bring a Spanish-English dictionary (or at least a smile and a plan to point out what you want) to, well, Taco Bell, which barely qualifies as Mexican at all.
Continue reading A world of Mexican delights at El Mundo

Fill ’er up at the Garage Bar

The Garage Bar looks so much like an old, run-down country gas station that I can barely go in without feeling tempted to pick up a few packages of peanut butter crackers and a cheap six-pack and go out back with my buddies to smoke, tell dirty jokes and drink beer in the dark.
Continue reading Fill ’er up at the Garage Bar